Last November 3rd was the crab opener. It may not
have been the best opener in Bodega Bay, but the weather was beautiful. I
arrived in to Doran beach Friday afternoon and noticed there was already a big
NorCal Kayak Angler presence. I parked the truck set up camp and got all my
crabbing gear ready. Walked over to the other NCKA camps and it seemed like
everyone had decided to go out at 12:01 AM. It seemed like forever for that
time to come. We all hung around the fire, eating rock crab, flank steak and Japanese
pizza waiting for 12:01 to arrive.
At 11:00 I headed back to my camp and decided to bait my
traps and get everything ready to launch under the moon. Doug, Dave, and Tony
were at my site and getting there gear together also for the midnight launch. When
everyone was all set we gathered our gear and yaks and proceeded to the beach.
The water was so flat and calm, it looked like a lake out there. May have been
the calmest I have ever seen Doran Beach, with the moon shining there was no
need for a head lamp. I decided to only drop 2 traps and bring the rest out in
the morning. After dropping the two traps, Tony and I realized how great the
conditions were and we had to go and get some rings to use for an hour. Tony
went and got his ring and I used my Promar Ambush ring. After a 15 minute soak,
I pulled up the ambush net and had a little over 15 dungeness crab in the trap,
and 5 keepers, but after looking at them, I realized they were all females and
back they went. I decided to put the trap back down and let it sit for some more time. Crabbing under the
waning moon may have been one of the most magical kayaking experiences I have
ever had. There was a bioluminescence to the water and rope when pulling up the
traps. The water was so calm, I kept joking with Tony that you could almost
sleep out here. There were many people on the jetty with head lamps it made it
look like a search and rescue crew at night. On the last pull of the ambush trap I was able to pull up
one keeper and we decided to call it quits and head in and get some sleep.
Before we went in we decided to check one of the traps, which was probably not
a great idea. I pulled up one of my square traps to find a good 10 crabs
working on the bait and then some of the bait fell out and all that was left
was one chicken leg. Since it was already late I sent down the lonely chicken
leg in hopes of it being able to last into the morning.

Dougs first time crabbing off a kayak
Lights on the water
Tony kept on getting all the little ones
Tony enjoying the calm water and waning moon
First pull of the 2012 Crab Season with a Promar Ambush net
Woke up around 7:00 and there were already people out on the
water, and they day use parking was full. I figured there was no rush since my
pots had been soaking overnight. It was amazing to see all the kayaks on the
water, it looked like land mines with all the bouys and floats on the water.
There were so many it actually took me a little bit to find my first trap. I pulled
it up and there was nothing in there and the bait was gone, the lone chicken
leg did not make it through the night. On the second trap I pulled it up and
had 5 keepers, one which was a jumbo and the other just over 6”. The rest of
the day was hard work to get a limit and I ended up finishing the day with 9. I
sent two home with a friend to share with his wife and child.
Taking the Caribbean 14 out on a beautiful day.
There were kayakers, shore crabbers and Power Boats
Calm and Sunny
Kayaks lined up on the beach
On Sunday after leaving the pots out overnight I was only
able to come up with a few crabs for the whole day. Tim S. on the other hand
was a able to get some big Jumbos to take home off of the Jackson Cuda. Tim is
actually building a crabbing kayak and I can’t wait to see it. There were also some kayakers who went out to fish while there traps soaked.
Tim Crabbing off the Jackson Cuda
Tim kept pulling up Jumbos one at a time
A couple of the crab from Sunday, a Jumbo and one a little over 6"
This little guy fell out of the trap
Ruben with some sweet fish!
Narisa and Melo enjoying the sun
This years crabbing has been off to a slow start for Bodega
Bay, while those launching their kayaks out of Half Moon Bay have been getting
limits within a short time. Hopefully the crabbing picks up in Bodega Bay,
maybe it has something to do with the warm weather. In the end, it really
didn’t matter how much crab were being caught, it was just great to be spending
time with friends on the water.
Article Written by: Victor Woolworth