Thursday, January 3, 2013

Opening day float on the Merced River.

Met Bill and Drew at the shop at around 5:45 for what was supposed to be an epic opening day on the Merced. Bill Becket works as a fish biologist on this river and knows it as well as anyone. He was our guide for the day. We launched at a turn on on the road and paddled down to Snelling. The river on this section is stunning. Lots of neat shoots, bedrock shelves, and braided sections that should holds tons of trout. It was my first day using a fly pole, and I loved it. I wish I would have started using one earlier on. We were nymphing with an indicator bulb (bobber). We through what we had at them, and we hooked a few, but the only one to land a fish was Bill. He got two to net and hooked about a half dozen. Most were caught on sow bug or San Juan worm. The paddling was amazing. I have been on almost every valley river and I would have to say this is one of the best for class 1 kayaking. It was always interesting, but never two challenging. I would highly recommend checking it out. 

Bill is testing the new Jackson Cruise 12, a 12' price savvy sit on top that is very adaptable to fishing. Bill will be doing a full report in a future blog. For now Check out more info on the boat here: JACKSON CRUISE

Drew and I were both using the ultimate river fishing kayaks, the trust Jackson Coosa. Check it out: JACKSON COOSA!
Here are a few pics from the day

Bill Was our Guide for the day. 

At the launch ready to go. 

Bill in one of the many braided river sections 

It looks warm, but it was clear and COLD! 

Drew working an Eddy. 

Spent a lot of time just enjoying the beauty of the river. 

I was teaching Bill how to surf on this very friendly standing wave. 

Bill lining up for to catch an eddy. 

Bills catch. 

One of the biggest holes on the trip. I could imagine this being very fun at higher flows

Netting a trout. 

Enjoying the fly pole for the first time. 

Drew did amazing in the Coosa on his first trip out. 

Drew running one of the drops. 

Bill casting setting up to side drift a hole. 

My Coosa beached on a gravel bar. 

Another cool shot of Bill doing his thing. 

I love this boat! Can't wait to get on the river again. 

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