Friday, September 29, 2017

3 Waters Kayaks Big Fish 120 on Water Review

So I got to do my first walkthrough video of the Big Fish 120 at Icast this year, and it got a ton of attention. Out of everything we saw at Icast this was the boat I was the most excited about.

Fast forward a few months and I was finally able to get my butt in one at this years WORA Show, and I decided to bring the camera along and share my initial thoughts with all of you guys.

At this price I'm not sure there is anything that is as good of a value. I'd say the Vibe SeaGhost is very close, but if you like to stand up and bass fish, this one is going to be tough to beat. The quality and design are top tear, but the price is middle of the road. As always dont take my word for it!!!!!!!! Demo boats and see what works best for you. If your a smaller guy check out a SeaGhost, if your a big guy that like to bring stuff, and that wants that ability to stand up this kayak is going to serve you well.

Also please note that this is pre production, the production model comes rudder ready and with a foam reenforced standing platform.

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